Jeetech Academy

Big Data Vs Data Science Vs Data Analytics

In today’s world data is being collected by large companies. These companies have realized the worth of data. That’s why they are collecting this data to generate some useful insight from them. This data can be structured or unstructured. After learning the skills of handling data you can get a job in those companies and grow your career. Terms like big data, data science, and data analytics are often used interchangeably. However, these terms represent distinct concepts and fields of study. If you want to pursue a course in any of field related to data you need to first understand the basic difference between all these fields and then look for the best data science institute that will help you with your career. 

Big Data Vs Data Science Vs Data Analytics
Big Data Vs Data Science Vs Data Analytics

In this blog, we’ll explore big data, data science, and data analytics and the differences between big data, data science, and data analytics, and the important skills that are necessary to become the best in your career. Let’s start by understanding these concepts.

Big Data: Basic Concept

Big data refers to the large and complex data sets that are generated by organizations and individuals. This data is typically too large and too complex to be analyzed using traditional data processing methods. It can come from a variety of sources, including social media, internet searches, online transactions, and machine-generated data.

One of the defining characteristics of big data is the 3Vs: 

  • Volume, 
  • Velocity, and 
  • Variety. 

Volume refers to the sheer amount of data that is generated, while velocity refers to the speed at which this data is generated. Variety refers to the different types of data that are generated, including structured data (such as data found in a database) and unstructured data (such as text, audio, and video data).

To analyze big data, organizations use tools like Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases. These tools enable organizations to store, process, and analyze large and complex data sets in a scalable and cost-effective way.IT

Applications of Big Data

  • Healthcare
  • Financial Service
  • Communication
  • Retail 
  • Manufacturing
  • Energy

Data Science: Basic Concept

Data science is the field of study that combines statistics, machine learning, and computer science to analyze and interpret complex data sets. Data scientists use tools like Python, R, and SQL to clean, preprocess, and analyze data. They also use machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models that can be used to make informed decisions.

One of the key goals of data science is to derive insights from data that can be used to inform strategic decision-making. For example, a data scientist might use machine learning to develop a predictive model that can forecast sales for the upcoming quarter based on historical data.

Applications of Data Science

  • Internet Search
  • Digital Advertisements
  • Recommender Systems
  • Search Engines
  • Transport

Basic Concept of Data Analytics

It is the process of examining data sets to draw conclusions about the information they contain. Data analysts use statistical analysis and other techniques to turn raw data into actionable insights that can be used to optimize business processes.

It is often used to identify trends and patterns in data that can be used to improve business performance. For example, a data analyst might use regression analysis to identify factors contributing to customer churn.

One of the critical tools used in data analytics is data visualization. They use tools like Tableau or Power BI to create visualizations that make complex data sets easy to understand. And these visualizations can be used to communicate insights to stakeholders who may need a technical background.

Applications of Data Analytics

  • Healthcare
  • Travel
  • Energy Management 
  • Gaming
  • Logistics & Delivery 

Differences between:


  • In Big data, it is focused on the storage and processing of large and complex data sets
  • Data science is focused on developing predictive models that can be used to make informed decisions
  • Data analytics is focused on using statistical analysis and other techniques to turn raw data into actionable insights
  • Big data requires specialized tools like Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases, while data science requires knowledge of statistics, machine learning, and programming languages like Python and R
  • Data analytics requires knowledge of statistical analysis and data visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI.
Difference between: Big Data, Data Science and Data Analytics
Difference between: Big Data Vs Data Science Vs Data Analytics

Skills Required for Big data, Data science and Data Analytics

Big Data Data Science Data Analytics
Analytical Skills
Mathematics and statistics
SQL Database
Artificial Intelligence
Analytical Skills
Data Wrangling Skills
Mathematics & Statistics
Tableau & Power BI


Big data, data science, and data analytics are all important concepts in the field of data and technology. Each of them has its own unique features, but they all have the common goal of making sense of large sets of data to extract insights and make better decisions. Understanding the differences and similarities between these concepts is crucial for individuals who want to pursue a career in data-related fields or for businesses that want to leverage data for competitive advantage. 

While there may be some overlap and confusion between these terms, it is important to remember that they are all valuable tools for turning data into actionable insights. By selecting the right tool for the job, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and individuals can advance their careers in this exciting and rapidly growing field.

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