Jeetech Academy

Roadmap of Data Science: A Complete Path for your journey

Data science is one of the fastest-growing fields, and with the abundance of data in today’s world, it’s no wonder why. Companies and organizations are turning to data to drive decision-making and gain insights into their operations. With the increasing demand for data-driven insights, a career in data science can be both fulfilling and lucrative. A career as a data scientist is not only lucrative, but it also provides immense job satisfaction. If you want to become successful you need to have a roadmap of Data Science that will guide you all along. 

Roadmap of Data Science

With the ever-increasing amount of data generated every day, the need for skilled professionals who can analyze and extract insights from this data is also on the rise. As a result, many aspiring individuals are considering pursuing a career in Data Science.

However, with so many different resources, courses, and paths available, it can be challenging to figure out where to begin or what steps to take to become a successful Data Scientist. In this blog post, we’ll provide a roadmap of Data Science that can guide you on your journey to becoming the best Data Scientist.

Steps for Roadmap of Data Science

Roadmap of Data Science

Step 1: Build a Strong Foundation in Math and Statistics

Before diving into the world of Data Science, it’s essential to have a solid foundation in math and statistics. These subjects provide the fundamental building blocks necessary for understanding the more complex concepts that you’ll encounter in Data Science. 

Some of the essential topics that you should focus on include:

  • Linear Algebra: It is essential in Data Science, as it helps in understanding and implementing machine learning algorithms.
  • Probability and Statistics: These are critical for statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and probability-based models such as Bayesian models.
  • Calculus: It is useful for understanding optimization algorithms and other mathematical models.
  • Multivariate Calculus: This includes topics like gradients, partial derivatives, and the chain rule, which are all crucial in machine learning.
Roadmap of Data Science

Step 2: Learn a Programming Language

Once you have a solid foundation in math and statistics, the next step is to learn a programming language. There are several programming languages used in Data Science, but some of the most popular ones are Python, R, and SQL. 

Python for Data Science is the most widely used programming language in this field. It has a vast library of tools and packages that make it ideal for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. R is another popular language that is often used for statistical analysis and data visualization. SQL, on the other hand, is used for querying and manipulating data in databases.

Step 3: Acquire Knowledge of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the backbone of Data Science. It involves using algorithms and statistical models to allow computer systems to learn from data and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. Machine Learning has various subfields, including Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning.

Some of the essential concepts that you should learn in Machine Learning include:

  • Linear Regression: It is used to establish the relationship between two variables.
  • Logistic Regression: It is used for classification problems.
  • Clustering: It is used for unsupervised learning and grouping similar data points.
  • Decision Trees: They are used for classification and regression problems.
  • Random Forest: It is an ensemble learning method used for classification, regression, and other tasks.

Step 4: Learn Data Wrangling and Data Visualization

Data Wrangling and Data Visualization are two essential skills in Data Science. Data Wrangling involves cleaning, transforming, and preparing data for analysis, while Data Visualization involves presenting data in a meaningful way that allows insights to be easily extracted.

Some of the critical skills that you should learn in Data Wrangling and Data Visualization include:

  • Data Cleaning: This involves removing missing or irrelevant data points from a dataset.
  • Data Transformation: This involves converting data into a format that is suitable for analysis.
  • Data Aggregation: This involves summarizing data into meaningful groups.
  • Data Visualization: This involves creating charts and graphs that represent data in a visually appealing way.

Step 5: Build Projects and Get Hands-On Experience

Building projects are the most important part of becoming a data scientist. Projects help in applying the skills learned and building a portfolio. It is recommended to start with small projects and gradually move towards more complex ones. Kaggle is a platform that provides several datasets and problems for data science projects.

Start getting new experiences by working on different types of projects. These projects will help you understand lots of different concepts and you need to get your hands dirty if you want to excel in your skills. So start working on the different types of projects that will give you industry-specific knowledge.

Step 6: Build a Portfolio

Building a portfolio of data science projects is crucial to showcase your skills to potential employers. You can start by working on open-source datasets, Kaggle competitions, or even personal projects. Make sure you choose projects that demonstrate your skills and interests, and that are relevant to the industry you want to work in.

Step 7: Get Certified in data science

Certifications are a way to demonstrate expertise in a particular field. There are several certifications available for data science, including the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) and the SAS Certified Data Scientist. It is recommended to get certified in a particular domain of data science to showcase expertise.

Step 8: Network and stay updated

Networking is crucial in any field, and data science is no exception. Attend conferences, meetups, and events in your industry to connect with like-minded individuals and potential employers. Staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques in data science is also essential. Follow blogs, forums, and online communities to stay up-to-date.

Step 9: Start entry-level job

After learning the skill and getting good hands on them start finding an entry-level job that will help you gain confidence and help you start off your career. First, you got an entry-level job then you can start getting more real-life experience and which will help you understand this field more. After that, you can apply for high-post jobs and you can easily grow in your career. 


The journey to becoming a data scientist is not an easy one. It requires a broad range of skills and knowledge, including mathematics and statistics, programming, machine learning, data preprocessing and visualization, domain knowledge, project experience, and networking. 

Once you get the knowledge of all these things then you can go forward and start with finding a job for yourself. Give some interviews and continue to learn new things find yourself an entry-level job that will help you kick-start your career. This complete roadmap of data science will help you at every step of your career starting journey. With a solid roadmap and dedication, anyone can become a successful data scientist. Good luck on your journey!


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